Here are some common questions about the Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP). Contact us if you have other questions.

If you are an authorized FMNP vendor and you need help activating your account or scanning coupons please see the how to documents listed under Forms + Resources.


Nationally, the FMNP is modernizing and moving toward a fully electronic program. Many states started the modernization process in 2023.

In 2024, Minnesota will start our process by offering a hybrid coupon with a QR code. This will allow you to redeem your coupons using a free app for electronic payment or by mailing them in for redemption.

Here are answers to other questions you might have:

  • Are coupons still being printed on paper?
    • Yes, coupons will be printed like every other year. They will look different and have a QR code on them that you can scan into the app to receive your electronic payment.
  • Do I go to the bank to deposit my coupons?
    • No, coupons cannot be redeemed at the bank. You must either:
      • Scan the QR code to redeem them in the app, or
      • Mail them in for reimbursement.
  • What is electronic payment?
    • Electronic payment is a direct deposit to your bank account. Our partner company, RP Solutions, will deposit coupon payments straight into your account. This allows the FMNP to stop using the federal banking system.
  • I’m an authorized vendor, but don’t have a smartphone. Can I still accept coupons?
    • Yes, while using the app is quicker, you can still accept coupons and mail them in for redemption.
  • How will I get paid?
    • When you use the app, you will receive electronic payment weekly on Wednesdays.
    • When mailing in paper coupons, you will receive your payment monthly.
  • Can any vendor accept and redeem FMNP coupons?
    • No, you must be a FMNP-authorized vendor to accept coupons. 
  • Can all FMNP authorized vendors use the app?
    • Yes, we encourage you to redeem your coupons with the app. The app redemption process is quick and easy. All you need is an email address and a bank account that allows electronic payment.
  • Can all FMNP authorized vendors mail in coupons?
    • Yes, but we encourage you to try redeeming coupons using the app. FMNP is moving toward a fully electronic system, which means this technology will be used for both vendors and participants in the future. This year’s hybrid solution allows you to use the technology and redeem your coupons using the app either at the market or at home.
  • Will the state reimburse vendors for the cost to mail coupons?
    • No. Use the free app if you can so you won’t have any mailing costs.
  • Can market managers redeem coupons using the app?
    • No, only authorized vendors can accept and redeem coupons. You need to redeem your own coupons using the app. Market managers can help you use the app, but the coupon must be redeemed in your account.
  • Can market managers mail coupons in for vendors?
    • No. Only vendors are authorized to accept and redeem coupons. You must mail in your own coupons for redemption.
  • Do vendors still need to stamp their coupons when using the app?
    • Yes, stamping or writing your vendor number on your coupon ensures that no one else redeems your coupons.
  • Can a coupon be redeemed more than once?
    • No, each coupon has a unique QR code and can only be scanned once. As in prior seasons, participants will give you their coupon when buying produce. Each coupon is worth $5 and can only be used one time.
  • What do we do with the coupons once we have scanned the QR code?
    • In the app, you will be able to see if the coupon was accepted. Once it’s been accepted, you can dispose of it.

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General FMNP

Here are answers to some common questions that vendors and market managers have in general about the FMNP.

  • Can I accept coupons at my farm or just at authorized farmers’ markets?
    • You can only accept FMNP coupons at authorized farmers’ markets. You cannot accept FMNP coupons at your farm stand, even if you are an authorized FMNP vendor.
  • How do I know if my farmers’ market is an authorized FMNP market? What if my market isn’t on the list?
    • Our website has a list of authorized markets. If you sell at a market that is not on the list, you cannot accept coupons at that market. Contact us if you have questions or if you want to try to get that market on our list for next year.
  • Can I receive Senior FMNP coupons as a participant and also be a vendor?
    • Yes, if you’re eligible, you can be both an authorized vendor and a participant. You cannot redeem your own coupons for the products that you are selling. You must use your coupons with a different FMNP-authorized vendor.
  • Is FMNP the same as SNAP?
  • How do we get a vendor stamp?
    • We will mail out vendors stamps to new vendors as a part of the authorization process.

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