Workshop Overview

The AgBMP Loan Program conducts annual workshops to help lenders and local governments work with the program. These workshops are intended to provide an overview of the program and answer participant questions. The workshops cover a variety of issues in eight main sections:

Program Introduction and Status Report - A brief introduction to the program with an overview of recent activity.

Program Summary - An overview of the basics of the program as well as specific guidance for local governments.

AgBMP Applications - Review of how to complete and submit an AgBMP Application form. 

Lender Review - An overview of the program from the lending perspective. 

Lender Reporting - Review of verification of account balance form. 

Local Government Unit Reporting - A guide to completing the annual application form for local governments. This presentation covers any new changes to the application process as well as the basic requirements.

MDA Optional Partnering  Programs with the AgBMP Loan Program- Review of the many additional programs that can be used along with the AgBMP Loan Program. 

Funding and Legislative review for 2024 - A review of funding and potential program changes.  

Workshop Details 

Two AgBMP Loan Program virtual workshops will be held this winter in January. These workshops will also offer a review of other MDA programs including grant and loan programs offered by the Rural Finance Authority and the Livestock Investment Grant programs:

  1. January 3, 2024 Minnesota Department of Agriculture Virtual Meeting. 
  2. January 4, 2024 Minnesota Department of Agriculture Virtual Meeting. 
  3. All are welcome to attend. 
  • Questions are encouraged.
  • RSVP is not required to attend.
  • Agenda:
    • 8:30 a.m. START TIME and ending by 11:00 p.m.