Reciprocity allows persons residing and certified and credentialed in one state to be certified in another state without being required to pass additional certification examinations.
In Minnesota, a person must be licensed by the MDA before applying pesticides for hire or applying a restricted use pesticide (RUP). Reciprocity streamlines this license process.

- Adjacent states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin.
- Other states: Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming.
These agreements result from an evaluation and acknowledgement of equivalent applicator certification between Minnesota and another state where comparable use categories exist.
Reciprocity allows licensed/certified persons who are not residents of Minnesota to apply for a Minnesota Pesticide Applicator license without additional testing where comparable categories exist. Minnesota applicators can use reciprocity to apply credentials in other states.
The applicator must complete all state specific requirements before a license is issued.
Reciprocity is based on State of Residence; changing State of residence will affect a reciprocal license. A driver's license or other proof is needed to show current state of residence.
Applicators licensed through reciprocity who move to Minnesota must complete a recertification workshop in Minnesota prior to renewing the license in subsequent years, or take the Minnesota certification exams.
Steps to apply for a Pesticide Applicator License from a State WITH a Reciprocal Agreement with Minnesota
- Driver's License -Provide a legible copy of a driver's license or other document that identifies your legal state of residence, this must be the SAME state as your pesticide license.
- Pesticide Applicator License - Provide a legible copy of the front and back of resident state pesticide certification or license showing categories and expiration date.
- Reciprocal Acknowledgement Form- Sign the Reciprocal Acknowledgment form indicating that you have read and are aware of the provisions of the Minnesota Pesticide Control Law, will comply fully, and know the consequences for noncompliance. This must be signed by the applicator. (See "Reciprocal Licensee/Acknowledgment of Minnesota Pesticide Control Law" under "Forms + Resources")
- Application and Payment- Complete a NEW MDA application form. Application and surcharge fees are nontransferable and nonrefundable. Applications can be submitted online or by mail, see instructions below.
- Apply Online:
- Online Licensing and Payment Options
- Email additional information to
- Copy of driver's license
- Copy of home-state pesticide license (showing categories and expiration dates)
- Reciprocal Acknowledgement form
- Apply By Mail:
- Download the appropriate application form using the links listed under "Forms + Resources". Please note the Structural Pest Control Applicator License Application is for Journeyman only.
- Include the following information with your application when applying by mail.
- Copy of driver's license
- Copy of home-state pesticide license (showing categories and expiration dates)
- Reciprocal Acknowledgement form
- Apply Online:
- Financial Responsibility- Provide Financial Responsibility Requirements if applying for a Commercial or Structural License Type. See Financial Responsibility Requirements
Renewal notices will be mailed to applicators before the license expires at the end of the year. Renewals must be received by the designated date or a late fee will be assessed.
An applicator certified via reciprocity must:
- annually complete a Minnesota renewal application,
- pay the application fee, these fees and surcharges are non-transferable and nonrefundable.
- provide a copy of the resident state certification and licensure with use categories, and
- submit a legible copy of a driver's license or document showing state of residency.
State Pesticide Licensing Contacts in Reciprocal States
- Tracy Eades (
Arkansas Department of Agriculture
Plant Industries Division, Pesticide Section
1 Natural Resources Drive, Little Rock, AR 72205
Ph: 501-225-1598 Fx: 501-225-7053
- Tracy Eades (
- Tammy Grieme ( (
Illinois Department of Agriculture, State Fairgrounds, PO Box 19281, Springfield IL 62794-8281
Ph: 217-785-4708 Fx: 217-524-4882
- Tammy Grieme ( (
- Leo Reed (
Office of Indiana State Chemist, 175 South University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2063
Ph: 765-494-1588 Fx: 765-494-4331
- Leo Reed (
- Tammy Green ( or
Gretchen Paluch (
Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) Pesticide Bureau, Wallace Building, 502 East Ninth Street, Des Moines, IA 50319-0051
Ph: 515-281-5601 Fx: 515-242-6497
- Tammy Green ( or
- Brandi Crubel (
Kansas Department of Agriculture, Pesticide & Fertilizer Program, 109 SW Ninth Street, Topeka, KS 66612-2180
Ph: 785-564-6688
- Brandi Crubel (
- Joe Ingrao (
Louisana Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Office of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 5825 Florida Boulevard Suite 3003, Baton Rouge, LA 70806-4259
Ph: 225-925-8046 Fx: 225-237-5894
- Joe Ingrao (
- Brian Verhoughstraete (
Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Pesticide and Plant Pest Management Division, PO Box 30017, Lansing, MI 48909
Ph: 517-284-5655 Fx: 517-335-4540
- Brian Verhoughstraete (
- Pesticide Licensing (
Minnesota Department of Agriculture, 625 Robert Street North, St Paul, MN 55155-2538
Ph: 651-201-6284 Fx: 651-201-6105
- Pesticide Licensing (
- Hannah Ferguson (
Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce, Bureau of Plant Industry, PO Box 5207, 705 Stone Boulevard, Mississippi State, MS 39762
Ph: 662-325-3393
- Hannah Ferguson (
- Emily Groner (
Missouri Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Pesticide Control, PO Box 630, 1616 Missouri Boulevard, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0630
Ph: 573-522-1637 Fx: 573-751-0005
- Emily Groner (
- Tari Nyland (
Montana Department of Agriculture PO Box 200201 Helena, MT 59620
Ph: 406-444-4900 Fx 406-444-9493
- Tari Nyland (
- Libby Smith ( ) or Buzz Vance (
Nebraska Department of Agriculture, Plant Industry, 301 Centennial Mall, South Lincoln, NE 68509
Ph:402-471-2351 Fx: 402-471-6893
- Libby Smith ( ) or Buzz Vance (
- Andrew Thostenson (
NDSU Extension Service, Walster Hall 205, NDSU Dept 7060, PO Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58105-6050
Ph: 701-231-8050 Fx: 701-231-5907
- Andrew Thostenson (
- Ryan King (
Ohio Department of Agriculture 8995 East Main St, Reynoldson, OH 43068
Ph: 614-728-6394
- Ryan King (
- Heather Saintamour (
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Food & Forestry, 2800 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK 73152-8804
Ph: 405-522-5950 Fx: 405-522-0625
- Heather Saintamour (
- Tom Gere ( (
South Dakota Department of Agriculture, 523 East Capitol, Pierre, SD 57501
Ph: 605-773-4432 Fx: 605-773-3481
- Tom Gere ( (
- Perry Cervantes (
Texas Department of Agriculture, Pesticide Certification and Compliance, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Division, PO Box 12847, Austin, TX 78711
Ph: 512-463-7622 Fx: 888-216-9865
- Perry Cervantes (
- Lyncee Zuehls (
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Pesticide Certification and Licensing, PO Box 8911, 2811 Agriculture Drive, Madison, WI 53708-8911
Ph: 608-224-4551 Fx: 608-224-4656
- Lyncee Zuehls (
- Erin Christiansen
Wyoming Department of Agriculture, 2219 Carey Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82002
Ph: 307-777-3502
- Erin Christiansen