This page consists of drug residue prevention tools and resources for small ruminant producers. Check these out and remember, the most important resource is still your farm veterinarian. Select from the categories below to view a list of fact sheets and templates with descriptions.

Animal Treatment Protocol Checklist for Meat Sheep (pdf) - Guidelines for developing an animal health treatment protocol for your farm.

Establishing a VCPR (pdf) - The importance of the veterinary-client-patient relationship and its role in preventing drug residues.

Follow the 5 Rs to Prevent Veterinary Drug Residue in Dairy Animals (pdf) - The five "Rs" for avoiding drug residues in dairy animals.

Follow the 5 Rs to Prevent Veterinary Drug Residue in Meat Animals (pdf) - The five "Rs" for avoiding drug residues in meat animals.

Treatment Checklist for Dairy Sheep (pdf) - A checklist to ensure best practices when treating dairy sheep.

Animal Treatment Protocol Checklist for Meat Goats (pdf) - Guidelines for developing an animal health treatment protocol for your farm.

Establishing a VCPR (pdf) - The importance of the veterinary-client-patient relationship and its role in preventing drug residues.

Follow the 5 Rs to Prevent Veterinary Drug Residue in Dairy Animals (pdf) - The five "Rs" for avoiding drug residues in dairy animals.

Follow the 5 Rs to Prevent Veterinary Drug Residue in Meat Animals (pdf) - The five "Rs" for avoiding drug residues in meat animals.

Treatment Checklist for Dairy Goats (pdf) - A checklist to ensure best practices when treating dairy goats.

Animal Health Treatment Protocols (pdf) - Work with your veterinarian to document treatment protocols for sick animals.

Drug List (pdf) - Document drugs used or found on the farm.

Herd Daily Treatment Record (pdf) - Document treatments given to multiple animals, following FDA guidelines.

Individual Animal Daily Treatment Record (pdf) - Document treatments given to an individual animal on the farm, following FDA guidelines.

Individual Animal Pre-Marketing Form (pdf) - Ask these questions before sending an animal to slaughter.

Marketing Log (pdf) - Ask these questions before sending multiple animals to slaughter.