The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is evaluating potential improvements to the MDA food licensing structure. As part of our consideration process, we have been gathering input from our partners, including a series of interviews conducted with key collaborators earlier this year.

We have used this input to develop a potential model for MDA food licensing in Minnesota. We would like to share this model with you and receive input before we move forward with next steps in 2025.

We invite your feedback in two ways:

  1. Attend a listening session

Join us for a virtual listening session. During these sessions, the MDA will present our potential food licensing model. Then an independent facilitator, The Improve Group (IG), will lead participants through activities to gather feedback. The session will include time to connect with other attendees who have similar interests. Select the session you would like to attend to register. Registration is required.

  1. Post in a virtual bulletin board

Review potential food licensing model changes and share your feedback on a virtual bulletin board. You can see others’ thoughts, “like” others’ comments, or add your own comments. This board will be open September 18, 2024 - October 2, 2024; IG will moderate this board.

Please share this information with others you know who may be interested in providing feedback.

How input will be used

IG will prepare a written summary of feedback from listening sessions and the bulletin board. The summary will not identify the individuals who shared specific comments; however, trends in background for key comments will be included. Additionally, the feedback sessions are public events which fall under Minnesota Data Practices Law and anonymity cannot be guaranteed if you choose to participate. 

Our goal is to address as much of the feedback as possible to ensure any potential changes to the MDA food licensing structure result in positive improvements for all of our partners. After the summary report is prepared, we will share the findings, recommendations, and our potential next steps with our partners through email updates and our website.

Please reach out to Jeff Luedeman with any questions about this improvement process.

The MDA wants to share this model with partners and receive input before moving forward with potential changes in 2025. These events will be in English. If you want to hear about potential food licensing changes and give feedback in another language, please let us know by filling out this form.

Translations and accommodation requests

This email from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) describes upcoming events where you are invited to give feedback on MDA’s potential food licensing changes. The MDA wants to share this model with partners and receive input before moving forward in 2025. These events will be in English. If you want to hear about potential food licensing changes and give feedback in another language, please let us know. 

Este correo electrónico del Departamento de Agricultura de Minnesota (MDA, por sus siglas en inglés) describe los próximos eventos en los que se le invita a dar su opinión sobre los posibles cambios en las licencias de alimentos del MDA. El MDA desea comunicar este posible cambio a sus colaboradores y recibir sus comentarios antes de proceder con acciones adicionales en 2025. Estos eventos se realizarán en inglés. Si desea recibir información sobre posibles cambios en las licencias de alimentos y proporcionar comentarios en otro idioma, infórmenos completando este formulario.  

Daim email no yog xa los ntawm lub Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) piav txog cov kev sib txoos uas yuav tshwm sim uas caw koj tuaj qhia tias koj xav licas txog MDA cov kev hloov ntawm cov ntawv tso cai dhia haujlwm ua mov noj uas tej zaum yuav muaj tom ntej no. MDA xav qhia rau cov uas koom tes nrog txog cov kev hloov uas tej zaum yuav muaj tom ntej no thiab mloog seb xav licas ua ntej yuav nqes tes hloov kiag nyob rau hauv xyoo 2025. Cov kev sib txoos no yuav tham ua lus Askiv. Yog koj xav hnov txog cov kev hloov ntawm cov ntawv tso cai dhia haujlwm ua mov noj thiab qhia seb koj xav licas ua lwm yam lus, thov sau daim ntawv no kom tag.  

Iimaylkan ka yimid Waaxda Beeraha ee Minnesota (MDA) wuxuu qeexayaa munaasabad soo socota taas oo lagugu martiqaaday inaad ka dhiibato fikradaada waxyaabaha ku saabsan isbadalada ruqsada cuntada ee suurtogalka ah ee Waaxda Beeraha ee Minnesota (MDA). Waaxda Beeraha ee Minnesota (MDA) waxay dooneysaa inay la wadaagto isbadalkan suurtagalka ee ka imaan Kara iskaashatada ayna fikrado ka hesho kahor inta aysan qaadin talaabooyin dheeri ah 2025. Munaasabada waxay ku bixi doontaa Ingiriisi Haddii aad rabto inaad ogaato waxa ku saabsan isbadalada rukhsad bixinta cuntada oo aad uga dhiibato fikradaada adiga oo adeegsanaya luuqad kale, fadlan nala soo socodsii adigoo buuxinaya foomkan.  

Individuals with a disability who need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this event please contact Becky Stewart via email, phone 651-315-8917, or through the Minnesota Relay Service at 711 as soon as possible.