The dashboard was created using the Results Based Accountability (RBA) framework initially developed by Mark Friedman of the Fiscal Policy Studies Institute. The RBA framework tracks program level performance metrics or headline indicators of success, that are determined by asking how much we are doing, how well we are doing it, and is anyone better off because of the our work? Each of our headline indicators reflect the goals and objectives in the Produce Safety Program's strategic plan which is designed to support Minnesota's produce growers and fulfill the requirements of our cooperative agreement with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The headline indicators evaluate the overall success of our programmatic work, including our ideal end-result that:

All produce from Minnesota is safe to eat and all Minnesota produce farmers receive the resources and support they need to grow safe food while meeting any regulatory requirements that apply to their farms.

We are in our first year of comprehensive data collection. Currently, the data shown captures the development of a baseline which we will compare with future data to measure the impact we are having on farmers, stakeholders, and consumers in Minnesota. We also recognize that although we are building a program that aims to be representative of all Minnesota produce farms, there are barriers to inclusion and representation. Differences exist based on race, income, gender, disability, and geography and many are avoidable and unjust. We are working with our stakeholder relationships to better our ability to represent and include all Minnesota produce farms in our program and be transparent and respectful in our program evaluation. 

Annual Report

Each year we analyze data collected from our annual Grower Questionnaire in addition to evaluations of our grower trainings and other program services. This data is shared in our annual report

Farm Inventory

Farm Inventory by Status
Farm Produce Safety Rule (PSR) Status Categories Verified* for the 2020 calendar year
Covered 42
Eligible for an Exemption - Qualified Exemption 140
Eligible for an Exemption - Commercial Processing Exemption 46
Excluded - Sales 414
Excluded - Other 314
To be visited - not verified for 2020 917
Total Farms in Inventory 1873

*Verified farms are farms that have completed the annual Grower Questionnaire and know their status under the PSR.

Farm Inventory by Sales
Produce Sales Range Number of Farms Low Range Total Sales Estimate High Range Total Sales Estimate
Under $27,528 590 $708,000* $16,241,520
$27,529 to $250,000 212 $5,836,148 $53,000,000
$250,001 to $539, 982 22 $5,500,022 $11,879,604
More than $539,982 54 $24,159,028 $29,159,028
Total of farms with sales 878 $41,202,986 $110,279,562

*based on an estimate of $1,200 per farm


We work to build relationships within the produce community by prioritizing outreach. Our goals in outreach include:

  • Cultivate culturally aware, respectful partnerships
  • Develop easily accessible regulatory technical information
  • Ensure our stakeholder audience is representative of the diversity of all Minnesota produce farmers and that our program development is in response to their feedback and expertise
Outreach Headline Indicators

45% of farms in the inventory know their status for 2020 under the PSR

50% of our resources were developed in a language other than English
86% of farms who responded to our 2020 Grower Questionnaire report that the Produce Safety Program provides the level of information they need about produce safety and requirements under the PSR (handouts, materials, inquiry responses, referrals, etc.)
75% of Produce Safety Advisory Group (PSAG) participants report that they can see the impact that the PSAG has on the on-going development of the Produce Safety Program

Education-Grower Trainings

We work with the University of Minnesota Extension to provide Produce Safety Rule Grower Trainings that use FDA-recognized curriculum created by the Produce Safety Alliance. Our goals for hosting these training courses are to:

  • Develop easily accessible regulatory technical information
  • Ensure all farms covered by the Produce Safety Rule can meet requirements
  • Ensure all farms in Minnesota interested in learning about on-farm produce safety have access to education opportunities and resources
Grower Training Headline Indicators

23% of all farms in the inventory have attended a Grower Training

  • 86% of farms that are verified as Covered per the rule have attended training
  • 59% of farms that are verified as Qualified Exempt per the rule have attended training
  • 42% of farms that are verified Excluded per the rule have attended training
10% of all trainings held have been offered in Spanish, Hmong, or accessible for Plain communities (ex. Amish, Mennonite)

Education - On Farm Readiness Reviews (OFFR)

Produce Safety Program staff work with the University of Minnesota Extension to provide on-farm educational visits to discuss how the Produce Safety Rule applies to the farm business including evaluation of pre-harvest, harvest, and post-harvest conditions and practices. Our goals for this work are to:

  • Develop easily accessible regulatory technical information
  • Evaluate what a farm is doing well
  • Identify areas for improvement in on-farm food safety practices
OFRR Headline Indicators

% of Excluded, Eligible for exemption, and Covered farms requesting and receiving an OFRR

  • 21% of Covered farms that are Large (>$500,000 in produce sales)
  • 16% of Covered farms that are Small ($250,001 to $500,000)
  • 12% of Covered farms that are Very Small ($27,529 to $250,000)

Inspection of Produce Farms

We work to support farmers in complying with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR). Our goals with this work are to:

  • Help farms improve their food safety program and maintain a safe and healthy food supply
  • Create an efficient regulatory system to encourage compliance with the PSR
Inspection Headline Indicators

% of Covered farms inspected

  • 60% of Covered Farms that are Large (>$500,000 in produce sales)
  • 0% Small Farms ($250,001 to $500,000)
  • 0% Very Small Farms ($27,529 to $250,000)
100% of farms who responded to our post-inspection survey report that they felt confident in their ability to implement the Produce Safety Rule on their farm after their inspection
75% of farms who responded to our post-inspection survey report they understand why risks (if any) were identified on their farm
100% of farms who responded to our post-inspection survey report that the inspector communicated in a way that was clear and easy to understand