Principal Investigator: Dan Kaiser and Fabian Fernandez
Organization: University of Minnesota 
Award Amount: $258,000
Start Date: October 14, 2019 | End Date: May 31, 2023
Project ManagerAicam Laacouri (

Farmers require improved tools to better predict nitrogen requirements for corn. Soil nitrate-nitrogen tests are suggested for use as a best management practice for nitrogen in Western Minnesota but are seldom suggested in central and eastern Minnesota where the risk for nitrate loss is higher.

Tools that can more accurately predict nitrogen needs for corn would benefit Minnesota’s waters by reducing the risk of excess nitrogen in the soil profile after harvest. The specific objectives of this project are:

  1. Develop a predictive model to determine the amount of nitrogen required to maximize corn grain yield factoring in the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied plus the amount of nitrate-nitrogen in a 2 foot soil sample.
  2. Quantify differences in soil nitrate-nitrogen values when sampled late fall versus spring for soils in south central and southeastern Minnesota.
  3. Evaluate whether the amount of nitrate-nitrogen in a 2 foot soil sample can help adjust the amount of nitrogen required for corn where some of the nitrogen is applied pre-plant and the remaining is applied at V2-V6 based on the amount of nitrate-nitrogen in the soil in spring.
  4. Determine if variable rate nitrogen based on 2 foot soil samples reduces the risk for nitrogen leaching assessed by the amount of nitrate-nitrogen remaining in the soil profile at the end of the season.