A plane conducts a gypsy moth treatment in an urban area


The aircraft normally arrives at sites at sunrise or shortly before. Weather conditions are most ideal early in the morning. Residents may be awakened on that day by the noise of the low-flying airplane.
The aircraft flies over the treatment block, making sequential passes. It will be very low (about 50 feet above the treetops), and loud.

The aircraft can begin treatment in the early morning and may continue into the evening, weather permitting. Residents may be awakened on that day by the noise of the airplane or hear it later in the day depending when the area is treated.

The aircraft flies over the treatment block, making sequential passes. It will be low (about 100-200 feet above the treetops), and loud.

General Mating Disruption Information

The MDA offers the following tips and information to residents in and around the treatment area:

  • The residue from the SPLAT GM-O product will not damage a vehicle's finish or outdoor items; however, you may notice a fine mist on the surface. Residents may wish to park vehicles indoors to avoid having to wash them after the application. Soapy water will remove any residue on vehicles or outdoor items.
  • SPLAT GM-O has no known health effects for humans, but residents may wish to stay indoors during the treatment and keep windows closed for a half hour after application
  • SPLAT GM-O has no known health effects for pets; however, they may be startled by the noise from the low flying aircraft.

General Btk Information

The MDA offers the following tips and information to residents in and around Btk treatment areas:

  • The residue from the Foray product will not damage a vehicle's finish or outdoor items; however, you may notice a fine mist on the surface. Residents may wish to park vehicles indoors to avoid having to wash them after the application. Soapy water will remove any residue on vehicles or outdoor items.
  • Foray has no known health effects for humans, but residents may wish to stay indoors during the treatment and keep windows closed for a half hour after application. Residents can cover gardens or turn on sprinklers during the treatment if they wish.
  • Foray has no known health effects for pets; however, the airplane noise may startle pets so residents may wish to keep them indoors during the treatment.
  • Those in the area may notice a fermented scent in the air. Since Foray is a bacteria, it is cultured using water and nutrients, such as sugars and starches, in a fermenting process similar to brewing beer.

Because Foray naturally breaks down in sunlight, two treatments are done over the same area. The second treatment will occur approximately 5-10 days following the first.